Being an Englishman I feel I should step carefully with this review. It is thought that Tear Gas were the first Scottish band based in Scotland to actually release an LP. And as it was released on the Famous G label, it makes this pressing incredibly unique. There aren’t too many other instances of records being released on this label. To be fair the band members became better known after the demise of Tear Gas, several of them joining the unforgettable Alex Harvey as he formed the Sensational Alex Harvey band (SAHB) in the early 70’s. The bands vocalist, Davie Batchelor, went on to produce SAHB + other well known bands such as Nazareth; Dr. Feelgood, and Oasis.
There is a real gritty, hard edge feel to this LP particularly in the first few songs. The opener isn’t a strong song and you need to get through this but when you get to ‘Night Girl’ you can certainly hear where they are trying to go. A mixture of acoustic and electrical passages with pleasant harmonies which feature throughout this track, hint at music of that era. Likewise, with the closing tracks of this LP, both ‘Nothing can change your mind’ and ‘Living for today’ suggest of life beyond the band. In my mind the tracks in the middle of this side are the highlights of Side A.
Side B certainly sees the band experimenting a little more, with Eddie Campbell’s electronics coming more to the fore. Whilst continuing to rely (dare I say depend?) on the drive of Willie Munro’s drums, a smattering of guitar solos are apparent across this side.
More famous Scottish bands, for sure, would arrive on the music scene, but in terms of the history of rock music in Scotland at that time, this LP plays a fundamental role in capturing a moment in time.