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I didn’t see this one coming. To me one of the ultimate juxtapositions of all time, described as a ‘psychedelic folk’ outfit (really?), these guys released half a dozen or so LP’s spanning the mid 60’s to early 70’s before the main man, Tom Rapp launched his own solo career. But wait, there is more. It gets better. Following his music career, it appears he now practises…… law!??

The ultimate sell out perhaps? Not quite as he majored on civil rights law, thus keeping his principles sound. I’m sure he can justify the journey if you catch him at any point…..speaking of which, onto the review section.

Pearls Before Swine - These things too

  • TITLE: These things too

    ARTIST: Pearls Before Swine

    LABEL: Reprise

    CAT NO: RSLP 6364

    RELEASED: 1969

    FORMAT: Vinyl LP album


    GENRE: Folk Rock

    VINYL: Ex

    LABEL: Ex

    COVER: VG+

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