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What a fab album, although that is not everyone’s opinion. Having read many reviews of this, the second and last album by the psych folk rock band ‘Trees’, it could be described as marmite. It is a darker and more ambivalent album than their first ‘ The garden of Jane Delawney’. The album features a mix of traditional folk songs, given the Trees treatment and some songs that you assume are traditional, but were written by the welsh maestro Bias Boshell. I have sampled Stewart Lee’s sleeve notes for the CD re-release of this album and will include a full copy with the album. Trees formed in 1969 and disbanded in 1972 and little was heard of them for 35 years. But in 2006, the track ‘Geordie’ was sampled by ‘Gnarls Barkley’ after a recommendation by a London record store proprietor. This propelled Trees and ‘On the shore’ back into public attention.

Trees - On the shore

  • TITLE: On the shore

    ARTIST: Trees


    CAT NO: 64168

    RELEASED: 1971

    FORMAT: Vinyl LP album


    GENRE: Folk Rock

    VINYL: Ex

    LABEL: Ex

    COVER: Ex

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