Ever thought about trying to be good at something? I mean…really good? No, really, really good? You have to start early, no arthritis, no slowness of thought and movement. Because unless you start very young, I guarantee, you will never reach the heights of this guy when it comes to playing the acoustic guitar.
You may think listening to a wholly acoustic, almost single handed crafted offering, could be a little too much. It won’t be. It is utterly mesmerising. From the complexities of his guitar work, his effortless voice, the composition and quality of recording. You have the perfect package here. It sounds beautiful. It’s mellow and yet strong. Sharp but also dynamic. It demands to be heard in so many ways. There are no crowd pleasers, and that is what sets it apart.
I know nothing about this guy, he released very little music back in the 70’s but how this flew under the radar I have no idea. There are parallels, more commercially successful ones for sure, but it’s to the detriment of the listening public and the music industry overall as to how this guy wasn’t more visible to the music appreciators amongst us. It is stunning.