I once commented that I thought Talk Talk were probably, from start to finish, the band which had changed the most over their lifetime. And somebody came back with The Beatles. Which I had to accept is a fair call. I still go with mine but this is at the start of an incredible journey that only lasted about as long as George Best did. But their legacy still survives today in many forms and they were clearly better together than apart. I know it’s rather morbid but Lennon is clearly one of those guys, like Hendrix, who you just wish had stayed the course if only to witness where that journey was to take them.
I am the walrus this isn’t. This is the music the girls first started screaming to. The music they couldn’t hear in Madison Square Garden. That which your parents were probably left wondering what all the fuss was about. It provides a selection of their earlier greatest hits coupled with a selection of covers, some of which make you think…have I heard that before? But Love me Do to kick off Side 2 and Twist and Shout which is just a fabulous single to finish Side 2 is all you really need.
I suspect most Beatles fans will have their collection pretty complete so it’s likely that this will find interest from the collector’s angle. There are 410 versions of this listed on one popular LP selling site. Be careful which one you aim for…. The matrix on Side 1 runoff is XEX 421-1N